
Jun 23, 2011 23:35

Contact and OOC

Contact: I'm most readily available on Plurk (Private PM me please, I'd hate to miss your message!) or you can hit me up on AIM (PM me to ask)! Besides this, my Plurk is rather invite-only because I...pretty much use it only for plotting purposes.

Timezone and availability: GMT + 8. I'm currently slow on all days except the weekends, so please bear with me.

Backthreading: I'll backthread for as long as needed! If you'd rather assume a conclusion, feel free to talk to me too.

Threadhopping: Sure thing! Just remember to ask if it's a serious thread.

IC things

Medical info: Very healthy. He is totally kidding when he talks about his aching bones and what not.

Easiest way to get on his bad side: Be irritating. Ask him to teach you something mundane. Continuously talk about how cute he is. Force him to do menial jobs. Etc.

Easiest way to get on his good side: Just don't be irritating.

Sexual orientation: The jury's out on whether he even has one.

Mental Info: Jade doesn't feel much of anything. He's stable yes, but in a sociopathic kind of way.

Soul Viewing: A brilliant blue soul with long hair and glasses. It's suspiciously smaller than a regular soul, wonder why?

Triggers: Nothing much by this point, but expect him to react at the idea of revival and cloning.

Fourth-Walling: Go ahead, he'll be amused.

Physical Contact: ...sure, but he's going to be annoyed.

Romance/Sexual Relations: ...this section is nearly redundant for me.

Fighting: Sure thing. Just keep in mind that Jade is ruthless; he's not going to go easy on your character and he's had years of military training.

Winning/Losing: He'll actually lose a lot more than in canon provided that your character is more physically skilled. Now IF he has his abilities sealed...good luck.

Injure/Kill: Yes to the former, no to the latter.

Hacking/Reading Locked Posts: Go ahead, but keep in mind that Jade is genius-level smart and he has some degree of knowledge in fontech, so any filter he's going to learn to make will be heavily encrpyted.

Anything Else: Contact me!

ooc: permissions

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