Jan 13, 2005 23:55
I am so free in tired.
In tired potential judgement is silk,
is not of 5 inch thick sheet of metal.
My creative dry well is a place
for storing lost logic.
My dead animal is invisible in tired
and it's weight is shadow weight
and my vision is too blurry to lift it.
In tired I am the escape I'm always looking for.
(With every pang of guilt or fear of guilt I push out deeper into outer space. Everything and everyone fades with my guilt, is stars. Is memory. Is unreachable. I just float and let go.
Times people would ask what I was thinking always, say "I wish I could get in your head." Would be dissapointed. I am spacey not because I am lost in thought, but because I am lost in space. When I sit and stare at wood grain, tiny insects, when I am absorbed in beautiful shapes of life, I am running away. I'm sorry.
I don't remember how not to.)