Sexism in the media

Jun 06, 2008 13:56

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I have often thought that the people who comment on Youtube tend to be the bottom-feeding scum of the internet, and this does little to disabuse me of that notion. There's nothing like watching a video that breaks your heart and then being confronted with comments like this:

"Men respond to beauty. Get over it."

"Some of those statements weren't even sexist... they were just facts. Sorry but being female doesn't make people have to walk on eggshells around you."

"You women are the majority of voters in every election. Instead of saying men need to give you a chance, perhaps you should be wondering why so many women prefer a man in the white house."

"it must be so tough that moer women are accepted into things like college for example!! boo hoo (sarcasm)"


"political correctness is a complete joke. chill out you uptight feminists."

"Deal with the fact that men and women are different, that they will always be treated differently, and you will lead a happier life. And when I write 'always,' I mean, FOREVER."

"ugh rabid feminists disgust me"

"they should all just get back in the kitchen."

"women arent equal because they are biologically inferior"

"Is there any "Men's Media Center?" Plz don't get women make men angry! I really think Those Female Chauvinsits are real bitches. Something good they want to share but might say for something bad or duty it is not ours we are weak.. So disgusting selfish comments and assualt against men. In the name of Human right or welfare stuff, so many disgusting liberals try to force innocent ppl to practice dirty stuff just like abortion, homosexuality, etc which are all based on socialism or communism."

"What feminist lesbians wants the world to becoming is a non sexual society like 1984!!"

The only reason I read through the comments was to be (very slightly) encouraged that some people, at least, were as horrified by that video as I was. Now, I more or less hate politics. I'm not posting this because I'm a huge Clinton fan or because I think she necessarily ought to have won, so don't bother to comment if your only purpose is to tell me why she sucks or why Obama deserved to win - I will not argue politics with you. Go talk to forthright if you want a debate. My personal feeling is that either Clinton or Obama would be SO MUCH BETTER than Bush has been that I honestly didn't care which of them won the nomination, and I hope that the divisions in the party can heal by election time so that they can kick McCain's ass. That's all.

I did post it to raise discussion of sexism in the media, Youtube included. Yes, people say things online they would never say in real life (as per the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory) and trolls (including those employed by major news outlets) say deliberately offensive things to try and get attention. Nevertheless, it seems to be, on the whole, easier for people to get away with spouting sexist bullshit than racist bullshit these days. Now, I'm not claiming that there was no racism directed against Obama by the media, or that racism won't hurt his chances of being elected in the fall. But I find considerable truth in Andrew Stephen's take on the subject: "'Iron my shirt,' is considered amusing heckling of Clinton. 'Shine my shoes,' rightly, would be hideously unacceptable if yelled at Obama." Or, as Judith Warner observed, "Had mainstream commentators in 2000 speculated, say, that Joe Lieberman had a nose for dough, or made funny Shylock references, heads would have rolled - and rightfully so." And I think it's telling that very few people seem willing to state outright that they wouldn't vote for Obama because he's black - though I think that's what's at the root of much of this "he's a crypto-Muslim" crap, and the nonsense about his former preacher, and alleged 'anti-Americanism'. Yet it's apparently okay, at least in some segments of the media, to say outright that you wouldn't vote for Clinton because she's a woman.

And holy hell, I just Googled for that Mark Rudov dipshit, and found his webpage, including The Entitled Princess Wall of Shame, and his book "Under the Clitoral Hood: How to Crank Her Engine Without Cash, Booze, or Jumper Cables", featuring such gems of information as "Most men pay their girlfriends and wives like prostitutes - cash, dinners, vacations, jewelry, cars, homes, and clothing - in exchange for sex. Not only unnecessary and emasculating, such stupid male behavior induces “purchased and entitled” women to fake their orgasms. Like a car, a woman will take you where you guide her - assuming she’s a good match and you’re a good driver. Ignore her pings and rattles, and she’ll stop operating, strand you, or put you in a ditch." It hurts my soul that people in this day and age buy this shit.
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