My Mutopia campaign
cassowary came to an end yesterday. I was pretty satisfied with how it all panned out - I hope my players enjoyed it too! Right now, I'm just savouring the feeling of not having a campaign to run for (probably) the next six months or so - very liberating. Of course, by September or so I'll probably miss it ;) But for now, I'm looking forward to having more time for my writing. I want to get back up to speed on my Changeling story, and also work on some potentially-publishable things that have been languishing lately. Also, we bought a treadmill recently and I want to start walking for at least part of Arthur's naptime each day. Plus, there's the added bonus that, for the rest of the summer, our weekends will be entirely free, rather than half-consumed by game. Running games on Sunday afternoons works best for everyone's various schedules, but it does mean that Steve and I basically lose an entire day's productivity/relaxation - Sunday morning (and often Saturday evening as well) preparing for the game, Sunday afternoon running the game, and Sunday evening recovering from running the game. So having that break will be good for us as well.
... Of course, now I am thinking about gaming-related fiction I can write, thanks to
elanya ;)