Been a Short While

Oct 11, 2007 18:44

Its only been a few weeks away from LJ, and I keep coming back. Damn. I can't ever leave. I'll just be updating on here sporadically, but I check everyone's LJ entries pretty much weekly. I love reading your updates Karla!

Everything is pretty much the same, but it all feels different at the same time. Life has calmed down so much from what it was a few months ago- so much more.

Work has gotten somewhat better in that I had adjusted to it, which has made it better than it previously was. I still have those moments when I think, "wow months ago I graduated thinking the skies the limit, look how much I've learned since then,". Just today I was walking up the walkway to my front door (soon to be my parent's front door, not mine) and I passed the place where I took my graduation photos. I just stopped for a minute and thought about how long ago that feels. College honestly feels like a hazy memory. Makes me sad that I can barely remember what it feels like only five months out of it.

I move out in a few weeks. I have mixed emotions about it. Sometimes I'm fine about it, excited and have a good feeling about it, other times I feel so anxious about it. I feel like I've made this huge mistake- leaving all this comfortability behind to be well uncomfortable. But at some point in my life I'm going to have to cut the cord. Might as well be now while things are somewhat stable.

I do miss my friends. Feels very empty without them. Life is not nearly as exciting. Or interesting.

I keep plugging along even though my life is very dull right now. Guess its good to have a break sometimes, even though I prefer to be running at the speed of light. I'm sure there will be a break in monotony soon.

lj, work, moving out, boredom, update, friends

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