Reach Out, It's Here.Beta: Awesome
alles_luege who did light-speed beta job, despite Christmas time. ♥
Any remaining mistakes are all my fault.
Pairing: Jon/Ryan
Rating/Warnings: PG-13. || Fluff, kissing, oblivious boys in love, a few curse words.
Prompt/Summary: #59: Jon moves in with Ryan after he broke up with Cassie because it's easier for the band and he has nothing left in Chicago anyway. As time passes by they start acting like a married couple but they don't notice it until someone (Brendon/Spencer/Tom/you choose) makes a comment on it. And then they finally figure their shit out.
Notes: I'm posting a bit late, but this is what you got, when you write fic in the last moment. -_-" Nonetheless, it was fun to write, thanks for creating this comm. :) Merry Christmas. ^^
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. Never happened in real life.