Last week we spun off a dedicated "movies & TV" blog from our A&E blog
Culture Surfing. The new blog is called
Screen Grab, and I wish I'd come up with that name, but I didn't. I did suggest that we adopt a mascot called "Pincey, The Screen Crab," but I don't think it's going to happen. I'll be doing episode reviews of "Caprica" there starting Monday, so here's my take on
the pilot film.
Some of my recent pieces (at Screen Grab and elsewhere) include a review of
three new DVDs from RiffTrax (one of the post-MST3K riffing ventures); movie reviews of
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men,
The Providence Effect, the French film
35 Shots of Rum and the
Danish Film Festival, which concludes this weekend; plus a piece on whether
Avatar is the Oscar front-runner for Best Picture.
Elsewhere on the site I have play reviews on the Alliance Theatre's
Avenue X (and speculation about whether a capella is the next big thing), Aurora Theatre's awesome
Tranced and Actor's Express's
Good Boys and True.