Oct 26, 2008 21:21
I love seeing these stories about how, due to disagreements and "precriminations" (i.e., recriminations in advance) in the McCain campaign, Sarah Palin has "gone rogue" and is making comments contrary to McCain's own beliefs. Mostly I'm just amused by the phrase "gone rogue." It's so Jack Bauer in "24." One of the unintentionally hilarious things about "24" is the way that Jack Bauer "goes rogue" a couple of times a day (or at least, one of those days that comprises a 24 season). It's like:
9:56 a.m.: "Oh no, Jack Bauer has gone rogue! Put a trace on his cell phone!"
2:19 p.m.: "Okay, Jack's not rogue any more, he's back to being on our side."
5:58 p.m.: "No, wait, Jack's gone rogue again!"
I imagine that his office at CTU has a big whiteboard with the personnel, like an "on call" board at a hospital, only it has two columns for "GONE ROGUE" and "WITHIN LEGAL PARAMENTS."
I love the story about Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe, because Republicans have made so much hay over Bill Clinton and John Edward's expensive haircuts over the years, and Palin has made so much hay about Joe Sixpack and Sally Housecoat and Sammy Punchclock. In fairness, however: how much DOES it cost to dress a woman to run for presidential office? How much did it cost Hilary? Yes, $150,000 seems crazy exorbitant to me, but has anyone done a story about how much female campaign clothes should reasonably cost? I'm sure it's still a pretty huge sum.