Writer's Block: Left Behind

Jan 31, 2009 06:10

Oh I like this one.  But there are three possible options:

1.  When I was a kid, I used to bike with my brother and sister to the nearby Coyote Hills WIldlife Refuge.  We'd climb hills, catch frogs, the regular kid stuff.  Well, I remember climbing this huge hill in the park (I want to say it was called Glider Hill, because people would go  up there to fly those little RC planes) that overlooked a stunning view of the Bay.  For the longest time, I thought I'd like to have my ashes spread from this hill when I die.  I'm undecided on this one because California is such a far past part of my life now.  That and the hill probably isn't as beautiful as I remember.

2.  However, I'm still torn between wanting to be buried and cremated.  If I were to be buried, I want it to be in a real cemetary, not one of those wimpy memorial gardens with their little bronze plaques.  If I'm going to be buried, I want a headstone.  A nice, big carved one with a clever epitaph and some weeping angel perched atop it.  A stone that moss will grow on and the rain will whither away so when people go by it 100 years from my death, they'll barely be able to read it.  And if my body were buried under a huge sprawling tree, so it's roots could feed on me, that would be pretty awesome as well.

3.  I've also considered donating my body to Bodyworlds.   http://www.bodyworlds.com    However, I would absolutely never donate it to "science" in general, because I know this would mean that plastic surgery students might be rhinoplastizing my disembodied head over here, while future surgeons cut into organs over there while some other wannabe doctors lipsuction my dead butt over there.  Basically, ANYTHING could be done to me after I die, and I'd like a little more respect than that.   On second thought, I probably wouldn't do the Bodyworlds either cause they leave on certain parts of skin (the lips, the eyebrows, the labia, of all things)--and that kind of creeps me out.  I don't want people staring at my plasticized labia for all of eternity.

So I guess it's either in ashes off a hill (unless I find somewhere better before then) or being eaten slowly by a tree, under a nice big stone. I think I like the tree best.

death, writer's block

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