Feb 11, 2008 02:56
I hope everyone's all right after that bit of turbulence earlier; I happened to be getting something out of one of the overhead compartments when it started and several surprisingly large pieces of luggage fell on top of me, but I'm all right! One of the wonderful slight attendants helped me out and back to my seat; she even gave me the contact information for the person I could raise safety concerns with if I wanted to, which was extremely nice of her. I was all right with the seat-belt that time though and I haven't had any more problems with it since, so there's no need to worry there. I hope Mr. Bailey is -- But getting stuck in the toilet was supposed to be MY --
I'm at the Starbucks even though I prefer Second Cup right now if anyone needs me before we take off again. No, I have NOT spilled hot coffee all over my lap yet.