Oct 31, 2008 16:56
Tomorrow is the beginning of November, which means it's the beginning of a big month-long writing project.
What? Novels? Bollocks to that. I"m talking about NanoWriMo--that's Nanofiction Writing Month. One story every day for the month of November. No real word limit, but under 500 is optimal.
There's even a community set up for it, which you can find in at nano_wrimo (you remember how to do lj tags; you work it out). All the stuff we did from last year is still up, so go ahead and check it out. And participate! It takes less time than writing a novel, and you get to use lots of little ideas instead of having one big one. I'm not sure if I can make it all the way this time--used most of my good spare ideas last year--but I'll give it a shot.
In other news:
I almost bought a watermelon today. The reason for doing so would have been to write the phrase "The store was out of pumpkins" on it, and set it out on the front steps. I did not, however. Maybe next year.
Mormons came to my door today. If I'd been thinking about it, I would have given them candy.