Wohooo...Jr. Prom Rocked my socks!
Here are all my []> [] []v[] []> Pictures (if you're dumb and don't know what thay says, it says P I M P!)
My Date, Josephine
Angel and I
Apryl and I
Tina and I
Brittany and I
Kelly and I
Liz and I
Another of Liz and I, She loves her PIMP
Jordan and I
Erica and I
Laura D and I
Ashley and I
Courtney and I
Courtney and I again, She is also a regular
Allie and I
Starting from back row (right to left)
Me, Andrew, Adley, Tisin, ?, Reigg, Frank, Nick
?, ?, Tina, Linda, Brittany
Jen, Josephine, Apryl
All the Guys
Me, Andrew, Adley, Tisin, ?, Reigg, Frank, Nick
The girls Looking GORGEOUS!
Jenn, Brittany, ?, ?, Apryl, Tina, Linda, Josephine
Josephine, Tina, Apryl, Brittany...my FAVORITE picture
Erin, Brittany, and Josephine
Apryl and Andrew
Josephine and I, a very Good pic!
Bryce and Vince
OREO....Bryce, Me, Vince
OREO 02...Bryce, Brian, Vince
Courtney and Bob...AWESOME picture
Courtney and I in the "Big Chair" being Gangster!
An and Courtney being Provokative
Tina and Brittany looking a lil tipsy on Soda!
This Picture = LOVE It's AWESOME..Girls you look AMAZING!
- End Jr. Prom -