HEROES - "Random Acts of Kindness" (Sylar) [English]

Aug 17, 2008 15:39

Title: Random Acts of Kindness
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Gabriel Gray/Sylar
Rating: PG
Words: 895 (W)
Prompt: School
Warnings: Gen, One-Shot
Summary: It was like opening an old closet that had been kept closed for too long.

- This is for lacrymosa_star who asked for a translation. The Italian original version is HERE.
- This is NOT betaed. If you find any errors please forgive me and let me know about them :D Thanks!

Random Acts of Kindness.

I am just a simple man
With simple expectations
With deep regrets
They're seldom met
God speed my generation.

Random Acts of Kindness { Robbie Williams }


There were just a few steps left to the entrance of the old building that was standing right in front of him.
The memory of those years spent in the darkest and most terrible despair, made him remember that you don't necessarily need to be adult to understand that you're alone.

Long craps were opening their way like scars on the yellowish façade of the school. The neighbourhood was clean, but that color and the smell of the place could nauseate him - as if that cluster of cement and bricks could emanate the stink of a putrefacted dead carcass.

He stayed still, with his hands deeply sunk in his pockets.
It was almost noon of a day like all the others. The New York weather kept being incredibly disappointing: the greyish light that was oppressing the city didn't really conciliate the happiest and most content of feelings.

He had followed his own steps, until he arrived over there, in that place that more than any other had horrified him.

It was like opening an old closet that had been kept closed for too long.
Only in that very moment he realised he had been Gabriel Gray, before becoming Sylar.
Only in that very moment all his vague memories - evanescent ghosts of a forgotten life - became concrete, palpable.

The half-opened eyes of the building were gazing at him, like it was sleepy and tired.
A monster resting in its cage made of cement.

He remembered the sandwiches that his mother used to prepare for him everyday and how she used to put them in his blue lunch box. Along with them, she put in it a crucifix, but Gabriel always hid it in the double bottom of the box once he was outside the house, and then put it back - to make it visible -, when he came back home, almost five hours later.
He knew that if his mother had realised that the crucifix was missing, she would have reproached him for more than fifteen minutes, talking about God, the angels, the Gospels and the terrible punishment that awaits for the faithless.

He remembered the journey he had to do in order to reach the bus stop, where he always arrived with extraordinary punctuality.

He remembered those ten minutes of hell that separated him from school, when he had to stand on his feet because Johnson would have taken him by his arms and pull him back from whichever was the seat Gabriel had dared to take.

He remembered Thomas Johnson, a boy of his age with an eternal grunt on his face and the double of Gabriel's weight.

He remembered Dwayne, Nicholas, James and Oliver that used to stay behind, plumping for Tom, mocking Gabriel, joking about him and making everyone on the bus laugh.

He remembered Cassie Holmes, from Devonshire, England - who was the only one who stayed silent, keeping her seat, with her red plaits, her face spreaded with freckles, and that expression of disappointment that always became compassion when Gabriel met her eyes.

He remembered how she had proposed to spent the breaks with him, how he was happy of the offer, how his mother shouted at him that that girl was the Devil's daughter.

He remembered how he thought that there was nothing wrong in Cassie Holmes' appearence. She was red haired, but her features were sweet and her eyes gentle.

He remembered how he pushed her away, forcing himself to ignore her in the corridors, afraid of disobeying his mother, frightened of illuding himself. He knew that a disappointment like that would have burnt like salt on an open wound. He also knew that that wound would have never ever heal.

He remembered the blows, the black eyes, the broken pencils, the lunches violently stolen, the slaps and the smacks in the school playground.

He remembered all the tears he had sheded when, at the exit, everyone used to leave in small groups, and Gabriel drifted in the opposite direction, going back home completely alone.

The brazen rang of the bell abruptly awoke him from his thoughts.
He was about to leave, but a sudden wave of screaming children poured outside the building that once was his own school - his torture -, almost knocking him down.

He didn't move, absent-mindedly following the blue and pink trail of those little pinafores that were disappearing along the road, meeting parents, relatives and friends, with their beautiful smiles pressed on their faces.

He ignored the feeling on his chest and the bitter taste that filled his mouth.

There was just a boy left with big broken glasses on his nose and a lost expression, immobile next to the gate, intent while he was checking the damages done to his poor schoolbag, destroyed by the usual bully of the day.

He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Sylar slowly reached him, without even stopping beside him.
He put a hand on his pinched small shoulder and he turned his face to the little boy, broadly smiling to him.

He quickly moved away, without saying or adding anything more.

The little boy didn't dare to move a muscle, and the smile that arrived in answer was adressed to nothing and no one because Gabriel Gray had already vanished into thin air.

fanfics, heroes: sylar, ~ english translation, fandom: heroes

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