This rollercoaster I'm on makes me who I am...

Jul 06, 2004 19:12

This ain't an update, recap, or preview of what's happening in my life...this has been burning in my mind and heart for a while...

These ups and downs that I experience in my life, mainly in the areas of relationships and girls makes me who I am...I constantly say that I'm not gonna obsess, worry, scrutinize, or mull over my issues with not wanting to be single anymore...but, I've got some news for you...

I can't do it anymore...

I'm gonna keep having my good days and bad days...I'm gonna worry about why I'm still single, and my friends aren't...some days it won't bother me...other days, it will...and you know what?? I'm gonna live my life, and deal, and make it past the storm clouds that I encounter along the way...Now, on another note...

Why the hell do girls say that they want a nice guy, and then when they finally meet one, she can only be friends with him, thus nullifying any future attempts at starting any relationships with that girl??? I mean, has the concept of Chivalry died a horrible death, that girls can only be attracted to the dicks, jocks, jerks, assholes, womanizers, one-night-standers, etc., and the nice guy is destined to remain single with so many female friends that he needs his fingers and toes to count them all???

Whatever happened to the girls who flock to the guy who opens doors for her, pays for meals for her when they go out to eat, throws some gas money her way when she's running on empty, the guys who offer the girls their coat or hoodie when it's cold??? What about the girls who want the guyw who are so nice, that they complement their female friends for the simple reason that they deserve it?? I swear, these girls get so hurt by the jerks and assholes, that they should seriously start to move to another class of guys...NOPE!! They just find another asshole, and the nice guy ends up being the one consoling her after they have had a fight or something like that...

We'll, I'm not gonna change for anyone...I will remain a nice guy until I'm in my eternal resting place, exactly 72 inches underneath God's Green Earth...

There is a girl out there for me, a girl who trult wants a nice guy, and isn't just saying it for attention, a girl who can look past all of my faults and shortcomings, and most of all, a girl who will like me for who I am and will take me as I am. She's out there, I know it, maybe I've met her, and she's just realizing that I could be a great guy for her, or I've yet to meet her somewhere down this long road that I am friends say that I deserve to be with someone. One in particular has told me that I am "complete boyfriend material."

I have ended my search for "her" indefinitely. I've got friends that are gonna try to set me up with their girlfriends, I can't do it by myself anymore. All they're gonna do is set me up, and leave me to my own devices and tactics...

I know hat some of you may after reading this will think that this was all senseless rambling, but it's not...these are all of the thoughts that have been itching to be heard, and that purging them onto this entry will help me feel better, and believe me, I feel much better already...

So, that's

WHY ARE MY COMMENT PAGES FROM MY PAST FEW RECENT ENTRIES BARREN?!?!?! It seems to me that either you're reading the enstries, and either forget to leave comments, or choose not to...or no body chooses to read what I write. That's fine, I'm not doing this for you anyways, this is being done for me..but anyways, please leave any comments that you have regarding anything you've read, or anything in general...It'll be nice to know that some of you actually read my entries...

Okay, now i'm done...I'll be back later on in the week or something like that when I feel like it...bye.
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