NotOdette's Questions

Jan 28, 2012 10:18

1) Favorite hair color?
Pink? I dunno, I like bright colours. Teal is up there too. Maybe for everyday Red. On other people I like Natural Red hair. Ginger Power.

2) Person you bone most in your head while rubbing your salmon?
Wow, it weird that it's mostly my own fictional characters. I could probably write a whole separate awkward porn series with my generally mundane characters. I mean no, I don't do that.

3) Favorite phrase of Ace's?
Now that she's as school she gets some funny ones out. "What the heck IS THAT?" Is a good one she pulls out while watching TV. I also enjoy "Oh. My. Gosh."

4) Favorite chore?
Dishes, well to be technical I guess cooking is my favorite but in my mind it doesn't read like a chore. I love cooking. Both I like because they're in my kitchen. The kitchen is my happy place, where I'm from the Kitchen is the hang out, as a kid we spent most of our time in the kitchen, heck my parents have a couch and a TV in their kitchen. I put on music I relax. It doesn't matter what I'm doing I am at home in my kitchen.

5) Most interesting person you've ever met? [teal deer]
I've met a lot of people, a lot of awesome people and this answer has changed from time to time. Right now the first person that comes to mind is Linda Little ( ). She's a local author, when I was in 12th grade my Canadian Lit class had her some in via WFNS (Writers Federation of Nova Scotia ) and she did a brief presentation, answered a few questions. She was my first glimpse of a real Canadian author, my first taste of reality.

When I repeated 12th grade we left WFNS out of it and the English teachers chose 12 of us to spend an entire day with her. She's fantastic, it was laid back. We joked with her and our English teacher and she wasn't that distant published author semi-celebrity anymore. She was a person who was personally working with us, helping us develop some kind of ability. We did timed writing exercises and she helped us see what kind of things my stand out as good or bad to publishers. She talked about how she made enough from her writing to work half the year at a museum and write the other half. At the end of the day she held me back and told me that when I finished my book she would send it to her publishers. I was amazed, it's still top 3 best things ever said to me. Though I know that despite her effort her particular publisher wouldn't be interested in what I write. I looked them up and they focus on LGBT themes. It still gives me a little hope, I was 17 and that was pretty amazing.

6) What you wanted to be when you grew up?
Paleontologist. 4rlz.

7) Most unexpected change in your life?
Having kids? I mean aside from the realization I wanted to actually -try- to have kids, there was the fact that I actually got pregnant and had them. I mean there is a reason I have nothing from my childhood to really pass to the kids, I was so adamant I was not that kind of person, I had too much to do, too much to see, no time for kids.


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