(no subject)

Nov 13, 2007 13:53

If you are one of those characterless natures who adapt themselves to anything, who at the sight of the most revolting spectacles console themselves with a gentle sigh, then you will gradually become used to these contrasts [of extreme poverty and the idle rich], and, the nature of the beast favoring your endeavors, your sole idea will be to maintain yourself in the ranks of pleasure-seekers, so that you may never find yourself among the wretched. But if you are a Man, if every sentiment is translated in your case into an action of the will, if in you the beast has not crushed the intelligent being, then you will return home one day saying to yourself, "No, it is unjust: this must not go on any longer. It is not enough to cure diseases; we must prevent them. A little good living and intellectual development would score off our lists half the patients and half the diseases. Throw physic to the dogs! Air, good diet, less crushing toil -- that is how we must begin. Without this, the whole profession of a doctor is nothing but trickery and humbug."

That very day you will understand ___________.

If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?
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