You wouldn't want to read this.

Jul 21, 2005 22:53

Today was so god damn boring.I'm getting my schedule tomorrow for sure.I want to go to the show wednesday, but i duno if i can get a ride.Ha, wtf am I talking about.No one that reads this even knows about it.I'm wasting my time with you fucks.I have no real friends, and I'm doing just fine.I've noticed I complain quite a bit.It's mostly because this is a journal, and I have alot of shit to complain about.I write all this lame shit, and no one reads it.But, whatever, I'll keep writing in it, because I have nothing better to do.And who would want to skip out on all this drama?Not me, no.You know, because I'm so hardcore, and I want to be exactly like royale, as you people seem to say.
EDIT: I'm done with all that now.

My girlfriend is amazing.
I get to see her sunday, and I'm very excited.
I love talking to her.
She's the sweetest girl in the world, and she's all mine.

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