Boatless Booze Cruise

Nov 21, 2007 00:33

Nearly 3 months since the last update... whoops!

The semester is almost over, thank goodness. I'm so sick of school. Apathy has been the recurring theme of this semester.

Worse than school are the nagging questions from many as to what I'm going to do when I graduate. I remember being warned by B.J. and Dane I'm sure of it, and thinking, "What can be so bad about that?" Uggghhh fuck. I'm really so sick of people asking me that question. I have no idea where I want to get a job. Actually, if were up to me, I wouldn't get a job, and I would just play Wii all day. Now that's living the life. Well, I guess it is up to me, but I suppose I should get a job that would pay for new games. Booo.

Anyway, I've been thinking about moving out of Ohio for quite some time now, and I am pretty decided that I want to pick up and go. I've narrowed down my potential locations to Seattle, Washington, Denver, Colorado, and Portland, Oregon.

That's it...


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