Aug 28, 2007 22:27
BJ, Mel, and J left to go back to Korea. I'm assuming they got back safely as I haven't heard otherwise. I am always the last to know everything.
That school thing started this week. I don't even know if I even like design anymore. I've been having mixed feelings about it since sophomore year, really. Sophomore year I kept telling myself "It's tough but it will get better," which was one of the most stressful years you could imagine. Then junior year, around this time when classes were starting, I was not looking forward to it at all. Then I thought, "Well hey, I've got Italy to look forward to in the spring, so that'll be cool." So now, starting senior year, and I'm again not excited about it at all. It just sucks because from the first year you're so pigeon-holed into the major. I'm just hoping that maybe an internship will help rekindle any interest I have left. The last thing I want is to be stuck with a job I hate for the rest of my life. So, I've been giving a lot of thought to 1.) a minor, 2.) grad school and 3.) university level teaching to keep more options open I guess since it's a little too late to turn back now.
I had to take a self-evaluation test to tell me what kind of worker I am for ID. Apparently I irritate others because I take emotional and moralistic positions over order, deadlines, etc. I thought it was really funny that those things are considered "irritating."
I've been playing a lot of Contra and Double Dragon 2 lately for NES. Fuck, those games were so awesome.
How about that Indians triple play the other night?! Awesome!
I'm out of stuff to bitch about. Basta! Ciao!
Big Hugs & Sloppy Snogs
<3 Kirsten