The Envelope Towers

Dec 09, 2008 22:58

My internship has so far been nothing but boring but I suppose it being one, like Chel, Ben and Gem said, is still an experience. And like Gem said, there's always something to be learnt. Yea well, at least I get the feel of it, I suppose though mine is like really quiet and...a monotonous atmosphere.

But even so, there are still things that can amuse me, apart from the crazy MSN conversations I can have while doing my basic office work chores. One of the jobs given to me recently involved the following:
1. Write addresses on envelopes
2. Insert mags in envelopes
3. Glue up the envelopes

I finished my pile on Friday but got more from my colleague when she passed me her share so I officially finish that particular task today. My desk is at the reception table coz I'm also in charge of receiving mail and whatnot. So I finished today with an hour to spare before I get off work though I have no more work for the day. Therefore I took a few pictures of my "beautiful masterpiece" to commemorate my so called hard work. I call it "so called" because it isn't exactly energy/life consuming but I did do all of it, so it should account for something.

The whole stacks of envelope thingy I did. >_< Though it's not all because my colleagues took a few before that to deliver but it wont make a huge difference.
So tell me, I find it amazing when I'm sitting down there with these piles of envelopes towering above me, do you think the same too? Or find that I'm merely exaggerating. XD

Loves ♥

P/S Thank you Ben for taking me back home to collect what I forgot. :)

photos: random shots, experience the intern term

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