It's been two weeks and a day

Sep 13, 2008 23:11

Somehow I would definitely end up making an entry on a Saturday instead. Then again, it's only the second time.

Busy week has just gone by and I'm happily being an emo kid, just cutting things off. And before anyone panics, the things I've been cutting off is those off my to-do list.

Yesterday was Friday. "Duh, what a revelation!" is not the reaction I would be trying to get.
It had a horrible start for a wonderful last weekday.
Firstly, I woke up feeling unwell and nauseous. The want and need to throw up, which I did before I went to college and when I reached college. I am lucky enough to believe I will not have another smart friend like Julia whose second remark to me was to ask if I am pregnant. But I am also lucky enough to have a smart friend like Julia who cared for me during that time to ask if I was okay and offered me mints, a supposed solution to relieving a person of that wanting to vomit. It helped. Mint and Fisherman's friend. Who would have thought?

Following my state of unwell, I ended up forgetting some things and even making a mistake in printing my own assignment. That which then led to some other frustrations. It was basically a bad morning and pretty much led a bit till I met Ben. In the car, I just complained about myself, blamed myself and just babbled about all sorts of things. I was unhappy and just not in my usual happy joy joy mood. Lucky me for having a boyfriend who listened about my frustrations without a complaint and assured me it was okay. An hour or so later, I was more cheered up than before meeting him.

We weren't suppose to see each other yesterday because I was going back to my grandma's but he thought of just slotting that time in between and sending me back to my grandma's house. We hung around Pyramid and walked around aimlessly where everything just looked familiar and I kept repeating "Hey, we've been here before!" to which he then said "We've been everywhere before lar."

I think there's just something about Fridays for me and Ben. More things seem to happen on Fridays.

We were suppose to spend about two hours together because I was to go back to my grandma's latest by six. And by some stroke of luck, that plan was canceled and it was back to Shah Alam for me so we had dinner. At the usual mamak where his friend, I THINK, has recognized me. It's so cool!!!! Seriously, that guy there is nice. For some odd reason, he came in to borrow the bathroom but after that it dragged on again. We beat our record again! Seven hours, that didn't even feel that long.

Because you asked a couple of times whether I updated or not (fine, it was only two times), this post is for you again. Thank you for cheering me up a whole lot yesterday. Being with you still feels so surreal and sometimes I wonder how I ended up with such a great guy like you. This is, again, to more and more Fridays to come. Week after week and month after month, slowly turning into years.

Happy Two Weeks and A Day, Baby.

P.S Yes, and for some reason he posts right on the dot of the week and mine is an extra day.
P.P.S It's still a busy week~

you and me, him&i, benny the bobo

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