Amazing Phenomenon on my own.

Aug 13, 2008 20:57

Today, another thing amazed me.

I didn't eat breakfast or lunch and I've yet to have my dinner. All I did have to put in my mouth today is a few spoonsful of the soup Chel bought at the Courtyard and one keropok lekor.

Usually if I don't eat my meals, I'd get gastric and just get terribly sick. But I'm not throwing up, I have no headache and I still have no appetite.

Tis is amazing.

Another thing, thank you Alissa for sending me back the past two days and also last week. I'm sorry I can't repay you much. I'll try to find my own way home soon! But thank you all the same. :)

I've seen one part of the NEWS DVD thanks to the amazing
newshfan  and all I can say is that I can't wait to watch the entire thing! Gomen, Nanas, I haven't been online or free much lately to have our flailing session. ^^"

And now I should either get my dinner or catch up on the many readings we've been given to complete!

To end my really short post, a photo taken a long time ago of the skies I love staring at.

Not entirely sure if I've posted this before. XD


photos: random shots, college days are for 4 years only, thankyous, random thoughts form my mind

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