...and yet I don't feel it and neither do I seem to have remembered it when I woke up this morning until I had breakfast though why that would spark up my memory on that is a mystery to me. Short entry just to say thank you to all the wonderful people who wished me. It truly makes me happy that people remember.
THANK YOU!By PhoneBy LJBy Facebook1) Julia
2) Joseph
3) Chel
4) Stephanie
sumomo_yuki 5) Anisa & Adila
6) Poh Yee
7) Mun Suet
8) Chelle
9) Margaret
10) Ben
11) Melissa Woo
12) Deborah
13) Anisa (again)
14) Val15) Akira
tepijin 16)
ady99 17)
jyoanu 18)
iconlovesu 19)
randomsheets 20)
nougamande 21)
oystersauce87 22)
fireflychen 24)
starfishdance 25)
winterdespair 26)
tepijin (again!!! *hugs*)
aiba_renna 28)
ecstaticniji 29)
marskychuu 30)
unvrknow32) Maryann
33) Chern Lin
34) Jacqui
35) Shin
36) Elaine
37) Stephanie
38) Debs (again)
39) Michelle
40) Priyangka
41) Florence
42) Gillian
43) Voon Voon
Guy: *sniff* Omg, omg, Maou ep01 hardsubs are out!!! *cries* Toma: Yes, yes, the day has come...please stop crying *pats*. "If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal."