Mobile check #05

Apr 09, 2008 23:41

Well actually i cant remember the number but whatever. Like wat some
centaur dude said in Narnia: Numbers do not win a battle.

Out of topic. Oh my dear PR..I would love to finish u A.S.A.P. I'm
doing it..researching and all. But somehow i feel like i have a lot to
do that's incomplete. I think its the CRR presentations. I really
really dont wanna do it tmr. I know its best to get it over with..but
i'm really just not in the mood. But of course, this kinda things cant
be done according to moods. That's not how the world works. And that's
not how reality...rolls either. I haven't been writing things i wanna
write. And i feel like there's some there's a big
tangled web in front of my path. I feel like i have a lot to do when
it's really mostly just my PR assignments and CRR presentations. And
some other stuff.

Anyways, i really miss Chel. The Rachels are incomplete without Chel.
I'm so not used to being the only Rachel around. Coz usually ppl call
her more often than me..which isn't a bad thing really...and so it
takes me a while to realize ppl were talking or calling me.

In other news, i had such a suprise when Anisa ...messaged

And coz everyone did it...And before it strikes 12 (it already did in Japan)...


If u knew me and i knew u personally, i would have proudly told u how
i'm so converting Alissa to accept u by giving her Kurosagi drama
(which was all u and no Yabu) and Debs your Stand Up (only she seems
to like that Nino Arashi guy more).

Yay to ProDai SP hardsubs out!
Nights, all! :)

mobile check

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