3 Months!

Aug 03, 2011 11:05

I keep having these moments when I'll go, "Hey I should go update my blog
" and I'll be drafting it in my head but once I get the time or even to the
comp - 

"What did I wanna talk about again ah?"

Signs of aging, perhaps? (`(エ)´)ノ_彡

So today marks the end of my 3rd month at my first official job in life - web writer for Seventeen Magazine Malaysia. 
I'm not sure how to put it. "End of 3rd month"? "The 3rd month?" "Beginning of my 4th month"?

Aih, basically I've been doing this for 3 months! Yay.

I honestly wonder if 2011 is like my most exciting year 
since I was born. I thought interning at a production house was already the peak of my "Wow' chart - in terms of a working life 
. But now, this might just top it! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ

Since joining, the most wonderful thing was interviewing David Choi thru Skype voice call 
, meeting him 

, getting a hug from him

, getting his autograph
, taking a photo with him
, being in the first row at his showcase...


The next great thing - off the top of my head at the moment - is of course meeting David Archuleta
. As I had stressed with my editor, I'm really NOT a fan of Archie but I don't dislike him either. Heh. ( ̄∇ ̄+)

I've also appeared in the mag.

My "What's After SPM" story is finally published in that book 
- or rather, that whole book of compiled stories is finally printed and ready for sale. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

For my birthday, I got a few close friends together to have dinner with and they surprised me with a really delicious cake
. And for some reason, I cried
- I hate crying in front of people

so...IDK why it happened. And during lunch
, Chel and a colleague of mine took me out for lunch where we left the restaurant after eating and they insisted they didn't pay 
- but I srsly can't believe that.

For some reason, my friends decided it was NOT risky to use me in their hobby photoshoot as their model. o(〃^▽^〃)o

They took me to Lookout Point for dinner where coincidentally there were fireworks 
  in the city and I could see it from our dinner spot!

There are a million other things that I've felt really overwhelmed with. Every week, there'll be at least one moment where I would stop and wonder how I got to where I am now. 
Firstly, I suppose I have to thank God. It's all in His plan, and I believe that.

I'm excited for another project that I wanna do. :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*: I have another goal - which we kinda had last year - but now that we're all in the same place, I'm determined to make it happen, somehow. After all, my aspiration for this year is: "Don't just dream and say it, do it."

At least in the end, I have tried.

Though coming back, there have also been many stressful and emo moments, moments where I felt alone, depressed, tired, wanting to give up and even wished I wasn't born - I'm thankful for all the good moments that brought me hope and happiness and the bad moments that somehow in the end made me stronger.

I never thought I'll be where I am today. I never thought I'll be who I am today. I never thought I'll be with the friends I have today. I never thought I'd do the things I did.

Thank you to you.


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