Here and There: Blessing and Disaster

Mar 12, 2011 00:28

Time: 00:18
Location: Sydney

This morning Snowy and I decided to forget the journey of soul searching around to do a short film. We lazed around, chit chat, plan, take a bus, eat some lunch, look silly filming with others watching and all that.

I did some shopping. Met up with some friends. Had a delicious Korean BBQ and spicy kimchi/tofu soups. Went to Chinatown's night market. Bought the No. 1 item frm this popular bubble tea shop. And then took a bus back to Snowy's hostel.

Have showered. Rid of the BBQ smell and all, face not so oily, hair not so polluted.

This was my day.

My very blessed day.

At another part of the world, it's not so dandy and pop music. Earthquake, aftershocks, 8.9, tsunamis, alerts. Lives lost, lives missing, lives waiting. Waiting for it all to be over.

Japan, or apparently to be known as the Miyagi earthquake is terrible. The footage is terrifying.

For those who were like me and my friend today, I'm glad for our blessings and may it continue to remain so. For the others, I pray that they will soon be blessed as well.

Let it all stop. Please.

For everyone.



And all the other countries tht might be affected and the lives within.


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