Happy Belated レイラ/currynana :)

Oct 06, 2010 14:34

I had this .gif sitting on my desktop and it was just perfect for this. XD

I wrote it in my diary journal schedule whatever u call it book and I actually checked it yday but didn't notice it at all.

Yesterday was my LJ's (that this blog thingy you're reading) birthday! Well, not just my LJ but also the name "currynana ". ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

I created "currynana" for my new blog at Livejournal on 2006. I never knew till a couple of months ago I actually looked at my "User Profile" here. ( ・(ェ)・) So it's actually been about 4 years. Which would make sense anyways since I sort of created it when I was at my last year at high school but only started using it when I entered college.

Wow, I have a lot of stuff that's related to my college/uni life. My laptop has also been with me since I started college. Okay I can only think of two stuff for now. (///∇//)

Maaa, I don't have time this week to do a special post like I wanted to sooooo, I'll do it after this hellish week is over.

Btw, if anyone's reading, does anyone know of a nice jap blog website that i can use? Currently I'm using Ameba but I think Tofu-chan said it's not that good (・・。)ゞ

Back to work! Hope everyone's well and healthy!


a day to be commemorated, college days are for 4 years only, happy birthday to you

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