Hypocritical: Where is the Love?

Jan 10, 2010 00:14

How sad that the entry that finally appears after my long absence is related to a dark event. But in the midst of all this angst and terror, I believe there's still hope in this battle. There'll always be hope if there're people who believe in what is right and in what is true.

Q: What am I talking about?
A: Attacks after Malaysian court rules Christians can worship Allah

It's one of those drawbacks that makes people feel that this place is unsafe, this place is bad, this place is, well, scary. It's one of those lil things that make the voices in our heads think, "Let's all just move away from here. "Insert country name" is so much better."

The first though I had in mind, though, when I was told about an attack on a church by Ben was "Omg, that's scary. What the world?"

The first though I had in mind, though, when I was told about more attacks, one involving a church I used to go to, was "OMG, WHAT'S HAPPENING?????"
And I felt horror, fear, and also sadness.

The issue (and wow, Wiki even covered it
) of the Catholic Herald newspaper using the word "Allah" for "God" versus the government was going on for a while. There was a court case. There was an appeal. And there was hope, and we, Christians/Catholics won it. But as the priest at the church I go to, Fr. Simon had mentioned, though we have won, the battle is only beginning. And true enough, day after day, there are appeals to ban the word still. And now, it has resorted to violence.

I think no one, as in us mere people who are just worried with our everyday life, expected this.

What has Malaysia become of? What happened to being the country with multi-racial slash religions living in harmony and peace? What happened to peace?

IMO, it's a hypocrisy.

And the people doing all this who thinks they are doing it for God, is actually tarnishing the image of God. Because, no matter the religion, no God asks for violence, asks for hurt, asks for revenge (unless your religion is Satanic or something like that ><). Because God is merciful and teaches people to love, to care and to forgive.

LOL...Not entirely relevant but it was the first thing that came to mind and I think it was a great movie.
The battle between Islam and Christians seems to be going on for so long. What and where is the point in that?

Prophet Muhammad, though of the Islam religion, himself gives defence to Christians. While I'm a Catholic, I have studied Islamic history enough during our high school History classes to know he was a great man. So why aren't those culprits practising what Prophet Muhammad himself believed in?

God is not a word.

God is the All Almighty.

So why fight over a word? There is greater meaning to God than this.

I quote BEP: Where is the love?

I have some, do you?


P/S Back to work tmr. Ah, my Sunday gone. 15+ more days.

Other interesting reads about the word Allah and blah:
Why is your Allah not my Allah?
Allah can’t be substituted with Tuhan in Bible translation - Dr Ng Kam Weng

issues in the currents, emotive writings and rants, malaysia: truly asia

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