I haven't been kidnapped! :D

Nov 28, 2009 11:09

Dear all who once frequents my blog (and if you still do, a big squish hug to you)

Times Square Malaysia at night by ~devinadewi on deviantART
Being at my mom's office without my own laptop gives me no resources for my own photos so Deviantart it is~
Oh yes, I'm home!

I haven't done an update since arriving in Sydney airport. It almost seemed like I never left Sydney or I was kidnapped there.

But I wasn't. I just got lazy, bored, busy and all that goopoo. I think I had planned 2 updates in total but...failed
. One was about the Sydney trip
and my sudden addiction to Cafe World...

(Paint is not as nice to use as Photoshop - obviously.)
...which of course by now I have pretty much gotten bored of.

And the other was for the awesome Halloween party we had:

Which I will create the wacky story, later.

I'll do that once I'm on my laptop again.

On the other hand, I'm starting internship again this Monday.
Not that enthusiathic about it but I'mma gonna think positive~

I'm really gonna try to not be on sudden hiatus so much.


updates for life, random

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