It's not that simple!

Sep 08, 2009 22:31

Everyday there's something that would surprise me, shock me and make me wonder. Sometimes there are things that seemed unimaginable and impossible. Some are positive things, some are not so positive. But that's the direction the whole world is moving towards to anyway.

Today's SHOCKING piece of news: Man killed because he didn't know Nobody.

As in the song "Nobody" by Wonder Girls, a KPop girl group. Then again, if it was the literal meaning, it would be even weirder to have been killed over that.

Still, doesn't it seem ridiculous how the matter of life and death can be taken so lightly? Although yes, music is good for the soul and all, it gives no reason for a person to be killed. A person's life has its value as well. But it seems some people can feel the opposite of that, even if it's their own life.

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(刹那) Setsuna by GReeeeN
English Translation (credits to koiirosora)

We’re looking for a meaning in life, wanting to shine
We live wishing strongly, not to lose, not to whither

For instance, even on days we tear up
Just like a normal day, the sun will rise and then set again

I thought I was left behind alone in this world
But the world will turn again, it was actually tiny

Days that ran by, tears that were shed, I was looking for a meaning to live
Everyone lives to wish for that something they’re lacking
Talk about destiny, talk about life, it all only means that
I want to be laughing on my last second,
All the answers are inside my heart

In the distance, I can dimly see my future self,
It smiled and asked, “Are you living your life so you wont regret it?”
I cried a little

I thought the world was all happy, except for me
But the world will turn tomorrow too, soothing each and every tear

Days that ran by, pain that built up, I was looking for a meaning to live
Everyone lives this moment wishing for a shining tomorrow
Weak and lacking in strength, I was shivering in the darkness of the night
No one is strong, but one is only oneself carrying everything.

In those eyes that know pain, the world is colored with sadness
The tears were only at first running, but soon overflowed
Unsatisfied feelings fill me now
Did I meet ‘my proud self’? Did I choose ‘myself that’s made up with lies’?
The justice is always inside the heart,
Happiness and sadness will connect to tomorrow…

When times are sad, cry until your eyes are dry
When times are happy, laugh until your stomach hurts
When times are painful, feel the wind.
And wait until the day when you can leap high

We’re looking for a meaning in life, wanting to shine
We live wishing strongly, not to lose, not to whither

Until that day when you can reach that dream ‘you’,
Until that day comes, believe in yourself.

GReeeeN has super duper good music that people should totally check out. Unless they're only into heavy metal music or something. Their songs usually have a really meaningful music. They're music that people can listen to and feel there's hope in the world, and in themselves.

I believe that each person exists for a reason, that every person is connected to one another somehow. That there are things that only certain people can do and achieve. That there's a difference for that person to be here and now.

If those who knew their expiry dates struggle to achieve their desires, why not those who can't see it do the same. Enjoy each day, strive each day and LIVE.

On a not so emo-note, please don't kill me for not knowing the song "Nobody" either. Go listen to GReeeeN or some happy pop song! :)


P/S You can find the download link for the song here. :)

did you know?, lyrics, issues in the currents, emotive writings and rants, music recommendations

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