Aug 05, 2005 14:26
i was bored so i was writing last nite but none of it is really good and none of it is about any1 ...but it sounds liek it...which is wierd since u kno i have no1 to write about...but watev... im just gonna type it up to save it so i can have it backed up somewhere...
(this was just about the concert yesterday and its just stupid lol)
whirling fists and limbs
screams and yells of vicious sylabells
skin, sweat,and blood
mix with dirt.
black eyes, broken noses
ripped pants and frayed bandanas
tatoos and piercing
and 1000 other reasons to love boys.
(this 1 isnt totally coherent)
i am the zombie
in a world of happy naive ppl:
regret personified
all the lies you love to believe
and all the truths you wish were lies.
scarred and distorted
playing hide and seek with you
trying to make you believe im the same,
that im not your nightmare,
the roadkill of dreams.
(this 1 is better kinda)
pieces of you fade away,
while memories remain.
ur heart in my hand is all i can make out in the fire.
the hands that held me are now blisted by the fire's heat
and the legs that used to run to me are now suffering dantes revenge,
dancing in the flames like i danced around in ur head
the tongue that once spoke me sugarcoated lies now licks the flames.
the lungs that took my breath away now suffocate in dense, poisonios smoke
flowing hair that i used to love is sineged
as your tattoos smolder and glow against the night.
ive lost those eyes that used to look at me
as if the lies wouldnt hurt
all u have left is ur heart.
the 1 thing i could never truly grasp
i dont need it now, so i feed it to the fire.
as sparks rise to it hungrly
devour the heart i could never have.
i look to my stained hands.
blood drips from them and coats my chest.
but the hole that has ruptured my chest is visible
as the skin peels back from the splitting wound.
i guess i lost my heart w/ur black 1.
i am no better than u.
im done 4 now