Been a while... Part 2

Apr 28, 2004 20:06

Seems like I always leave writing in you for ages... This time I forgot to add my LiveJournal Client to a recent rebuild so... out of site out of mind.

Well I'm back, and well bored, for the most part. Bored of all online games, they seem to be so monotonous. Attempting to level my main character on DAoC, called Curran, but I hate camping stuff. It is mind numbingly boring. If they had more quests that take a while, but you can do that instead of camp killing, then I'd be happy. If I wanted to kill things more I'd play Unreal Tournament instead.

Yet to the up side, got my champaign table top running again from where it left off last time, over a year ago. Vic, Bob, Graham and Kitch are back as the PC's. I love it, it's my world, my story line, but THEY make the story. I like to see where it goes. I only ever write up possible encounters in a full 360 degree arc. What they want to do is up to them as all I write at the beginning is the PLOT hook (All you GM's will know about these and either love or hate them) and what the end of the mission could be. If they players do not do that, I write new story lines for them, but the original one still goes ahead. It's like writing a full world history and fantasy book at once. Well enough about that. I have also tweaked some of the game rules, but as I'm not a spell caster type person I've made a manaless system that needed a change in the spell casting rules and am stuck with how to implement it.

Kitch suggested looking into Mage the Ascension, have done that, but it does not seem to fit in with how I want the world to be. Also the byline for Mage is incorrect. There magic system is not like real life... asking an ex-pagan here.. *grins* Also the idea of a fully free form spell system to me makes it hard to persuade people to be non-spell users. I try to think about how would my world and rules play in an online RPG. So this system would nerf tanks and make spell casters all powerful. Not the way to go.

Then Bob told me of an idea he had, in which I like, using rituals to cast the spells and hold them for use in combat. A little like the D&D spell system, but more indepth. Each spell would need a certain amount of time to learn, add on the duration in time for the duration of the spell (modified by certian components used) and stored in spell containers, spells/ holy books, staffs, wands, crystals etc. Also the ritual will force people to roleplay what they do. For Mages they will need to emulate the spell with the correct elements or do deeds to create the emotions wanted. For divine users they have services to their deity to perform as the ritual, which could be a service, conversion of none believers, fasting, contrition, abstinence, devotion, copying holy texts etc. Each religion is different so it may force players to talk about their gods. Very seldom seen in ANY game or Larp event, even for the priests *sighs*

Enough moaning now. Time to do more monotonous leveling... I don't know why I bother at times... lets just hope I'm not finally growing up... *shudders*
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