Its Been a while

Feb 11, 2004 20:07

Yeah, its been a while since I posted. I probably would have forgotten about this thing if my wife hadnt reminded me about it. Anyways. So my recent life goes something like this:

Friday, Jan 30, I go to renew the registration on my car, the shaggin' waggon, and pay 55 bucks for a new sticker. Then, the next day, I'm going to go to a movie with some friends. I notice the gas tank is running low so I fill it up. Then, only a minute later, some freaking moron runs a stop sign at 55 freaking miles per hour, and creams my wagon into a house. Both cars are totaled, I end up in the hospital. Right after I got registration and full gas tank. Thats a total of like 70 bucks down the drain.

At the hospital, they do the x-ray stuff and say "well, no broken bones" course I couldnt move my knee, and it was all swollen up, so I ended up in a knee brace. Doc says it looks like just a bruised ligament, but says there might be a tear in the meniscus. He has to check again in 1 week after the swelling goes down. for the mean time, I'm hobbling around.

Now, it seems that the person in the car that blew the stop sign is lying to his insurance company, so we have to deal with that too now. We are getting an accident reconstructionist to do the stuff with the stuff and all, then all the info goes to arbitration where they decide who was really at fault. Then there is this woman who gave her name as a witness to the accident, but noone has been able to get in contact with her for the past week, so thats another mystery. If we just had that witness, then we would be off easy, but oh well. Anyways...

The lack of car has really put a crimp in my social life. I cant go anywhere or do anything, pretty much, so I'm stuck at home wishing I had a car. As if that wasnt bad enough, I found my first grey hair today, well, I didnt find it, J-mo did. Michael plucked it out. I assumed it was a fluke, since 3 out of my four grandparents never went even half gray and the fouth didnt untill his late 50s. Other then that, everyone in my direct line has been around 40 when they stared graying. After talking to my mom, though, I find out that both of her mom's sisters, and most of her mom's side of the family went gray in their 20's and my grandmother was the odd one out in the bunch. If I go gray in my twenties, I will die. Late 30s, maybe I could live with, but 20s is too soon, I say.

Dad gets back from Saudi Arabia tomorrow, so I will be able to start shopping for a new car then. Its up to him wether I get the new used car, or his 9 year old pos. Hopefully he is attached to his pos, so I get the newer one, which I sould get, since it was my car that was totaled anyways.

I would like to say that if you ever get into a bad wreck, it is a bad idea to park your totaled car in the driveway. I can't bear to look at it, so I have to avert my eyes everytime I walk to the garage or when I'm pulling into the house. Personally, I'd rather leave it on the storage lot for another week at 15 bucks a day and not have to look at it. When we win the arbitration, they will have to pay the storage fees anyways.

Which do I look better next to, a rasberry or a tomotoe? Think this is an obsurd question? so do I. Oh well. that was random, but anyways.

Thats all I got for tonight. Hopefully I wont forget about this lj again. 'Night.
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