ALA Ramping Up for June 2005

May 08, 2005 11:04

Things are getting ready for ALA 2005. This year held in Chicago. Myself I'm not sure if I'm going. Its local to me--as you know, my undersea lair is in lake michigan--so I don't have to do that whole pay for room and flights bit. Nevertheless, I've looked at the conference schedule and I'm pretty much "meh." I will probably go to some of the outside unofficial stuff, plus the Proquest Bash. It is ironic considering how much work I am putting into the Unoffical wiki. I do give a shout out to Meredith Farkas for creating the thing. I am looking forward to meeting some of the librarians in the real world. If not in sessions then afterwards.

In other news the Curmudgeony Librarian Superstore is going well. I adding some metatags and keywords, but I'm still at the bottom of the rankings for the word "librarian." It kinda sucks, because I used to be the top search for that word. I am guessing that CP messed with the search algorithm, shooting professional(ie shops that pay them money) shops to the top of the ranking. It is becoming more and more clear I have to take the shop pro to survive in the cutthroat world of librarian novelty tee shirts. But is not all gloom and doom. I am working up quite a few new designs to try out. I am hoping to do a "show us your shirt" picture gallery on my home site once the pro shop is done.

Also the Alt.Librarians Webring is going well with a few new member. Only down side a few people have joined but not put up navigation code so that their site with be in the ring. grumble, grumble
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