Blog People Button Now Available In Real World

Mar 08, 2005 12:18

Gormangate is quickly receding from our collective memory, but we must not let this pass away from our memories. Spring is library conference season and ALA 2005 is coming in June, so why lose this opportunity to make a statement about the value of technology in the library?

Blogging is a worthwhile active for people in the library world. The interconnectivity of the blog world is not something to be reviled; it is something to be embraced. We must not allow Mr. Gorman's views to be forgotten, especially with an election coming up in the near future.

Action is being taken with the new Blog Person button, but there is a need to take our concerns into the real world. With some prompting from others, the Curmudgeony Librarian Superstore was talked into adding some Blog People related items. These were items that people might wear or use at their library or at conferences. The new designs in the store include tee shirts, golf shirts, stickers, magnets, mouse pads, tote bags, and even tasteful buttons. The designs range from the silly "I see Blog People;" to the political "I blog and I vote;" to the simple declaration "Blog Person." Please feel free to check some of the designs out.
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