To See, Or Not To See

Jul 07, 2009 23:37

There are always those movies you kinda want to see, and kinda don't. The films that you know you'll regret not seeing with your friends, watching all the scenes and details pass right in front of your face, instead of hearing about it. (Or, in my often case, reading the summary on wikipedia. I ADMIT IT) On the other hand, you don't want to waste a good two hours of your life on a movie that won't thrill you. Using up brain capacity for bad movies irks me to no end. And it seems to happen a lot.

Sometimes, you end up watching the movies anyway, because you change your mind, or the premise or some such thing changes your initial dislike. Or your friends may have tied you up, held you at gun point, and taped your eyes open because YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE, IT'S LIKE, SOOOOO AMAZING.  (I've heard that quite a bit, and again, I'll admit to shoving a few copies of under-rated movies into friends' hands.)

During my regualrly scheduled browsing, I came upon a movie that I must have passed over for what will become obvious reasons. This movie fits the previous sentiments pretty well.

Somewhere, over the rainbow, in a place called Hollywood, the Powers That Be decided to make another modern day fairytale. And this time they decided to use a little caution  (Maybe? I'm being optimistic) and get the rights to an 'edgy teens in NYC' novel published barely two years ago. Pretty acclaimed supposedly, and the author did bunches of research into the original tellings of Beauty and the Beast.

And now they've gotten an acclaimed Sundance director who specializes in telling fantasy (Phoebe in Wonderland anyone? I hear it was good.) Good ideas so far. Best part is yet to come.

NPH (NEIL PATRICK FREAKING HARRIS!) is gonna be a supporting character! Halelujah. In my mind, right now, Hollywood couldn't use too much of this guy. Seriously. Hear that Hollywood? MOAR NPH.

And while things were going great, suddenly Hollywood decided to incorporate a little tween money draw. How would they do that?

Cast Vanessa Anne Hudgens in *Belle's* part, that's how.

For all of VAH's supposed idoicy of taking pictures that would have of course made it onto the internet for all to see, as well as her bad business habits, she could be a great person. A wonderful person. A person I would totally have over at all of my numerous celebrity bashes. She could ever sleepover.

But right now, I don't believe in her acting skill. At All. I have seen nothing that proves her theatrical qualities to me. In my head, all I can picture her doing is RENT-esque, music video wanting wailing down a stairwell. And that doesn't impress. I do that for fun all the time, and I don't have a film career. (Yet.)

And for even more fun times, Hollywood decides it's gonna cast Mary Kate Olsen in a main part too. And she'll wear fur, and it'll be a thing. My ability to tell the future comes from years of experience folks.

There lies my dilema. Trust in a good director, and believe in the power of NPH, or run and hide being wary and tired of the products forced into my entertainment?

We'll see, they seem to have started a bit of production on this film, and it'll probs be out in two years or so. Maybe my mind will have been completely changed. Totally blown by the power of VAH's acting genius. I hope so. I really do, because this might end up being another Twilight, and I'm sick of hearing about that movie from all my rope wielding friends.

Welcome to my Chatter

hollywood, nph, vanessa hudgens

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