To all my SPN friends - Here have this to take ur mind off this latest ep!! LIKE WOAH :D
Primeval Season 3 part 1 gifs
Episode 1: 1234 5678 91011
Episode 2: 1234 5678 9101112 131415
Episode 3: 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920
Awwww :D how cute are Sid n Nancy :D i hope they make an appearance in S4 & 5!! Also how slashy is ep 2!! ETA: its far to easy to slash Connor with like EVERYONE OMG - he's Primeval's Castiel equivalent - aka fandom's little black dress- LOL!!
usual rules: - to download click on the thumbnail above, then right click save as - hotlinking is okay - credit and comments are <3 but not essential