Tonight is the Night.......

Oct 04, 2004 19:58

It feels soo soo good to actually get things done. Instead of just saying I'm gonna do something and not do it, I did it! I emailed the regional captain of the southern california kerry campaign and now...he's coming as a guest speaker on thursday to talk to my goverment class. This seems like such a small thing, but it's not because I actually got something accomplished. And now, I feel so accomplished. It's like the best feeling ever. Like something just got taken off your just great!

Now...I have more to accomplish, I have to get mrs. lynch to sign the paper for the bulletin for club thk and I have to work on my meeting for amnesty the following week. Much to do..and so little time. Wait..I almost forgot..SAT2 writing is saturday. Isn't it funny how I "conveniently" forgot that. Ha Ha. I know I'm gonna do really bad and am gonna have to take it again in November. That means SATs won't be finished till november. But on the bright side, I finally thought of an idea for my college essay. I'm only gonna say that it's about alzheimer's disease cuz I don't wanna anyone jacking my idea. It's mine!!:)
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