Jun 29, 2008 20:22
Catered a wedding yesterday with some conference service folks and a few others. Some of these folks included: Hana (I girl that lived in my floor in barrows week 1 of school), Sergio, Aries, Jenny Saladik, Sarah, and a few others. It's nice doing a job when cool people are around to pass the time with.
We had to wear the interesting catering outfits that read, "campus catering" and button them up to our necks.
Innovation and skill in this job is finding a scrunchy to tie your hair back with or using a water jug as an ice bucket.
We only had decafe coffee, but were instructed to tell the guests it was whatever they wanted to hear. If they wanted regular coffee, we were supposed to run back to the "behind the scenes" catering area and bring back out the same coffee pitcher to fill there cup. Sergio brought out two pitchers at once, occasionally forgetting which one was supposed to be the "decafe" and which one was supposed to be the "caffeinated"
Certain part of this evening reminded me of a terrible rhyme (that I swear is in a real girl scout song I had to sing in 5th grade). The line goes like "coffee sir? Tea sir? Coffee, tea, or me sir?"
However, most of the night was surprisingly fun. I loved that some people were so thankful when we delivered their cake and coffee. I loved watching the bride and groom dance to their first slow song.
A large part of what they paid me for- blowing out candles on the tables, eating cake, and carefully arranging carrots on plates.
In other news:
Elisa woke me up this morning to say goodbye. I intended to get up early to see her off, but she said she would just wake me...and well, I was too exhausted to persist.
Sean is gone for the summer. I think he is one of those people that it is impossible for anyone to dislike. I really respect those people.
Sometimes, every once in a great while, don't you wish you could take someone outside- old school style, kick their ass, and then move on with your lives as though nothing ever happened? Granted, even if I could, I would probably lose miserably.
coffee tea or me sir?,
desired kicking of ass