Religions Should Work Like Captain Planet

Aug 08, 2008 01:31

Been reading online newspaper articles from El Salvador. 
In summary: earthquakes-nothing too serious, school systems/availability of said systems still sucks, people still dirt poor, church cares about AIDS prevention enough to educate but still worried about potential "perversions", and they have a celebration every 31st of July called "Dia de Periodista" or "Day of the Journalist" to commemorate the 17 international and foreign journalist who were killed during the war, bringing some attention to an otherwise ignored struggle.

Hoping to keep relatively up to date on current events there (at least until March elections). 

Archbishop of San Salvador (the capital)
View articles here

Also been reading Into The Pink: An Oral History of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual students at Oberlin College from 1937-1991.

Allan Spear '58 writes about his college roommate:

"He was, I suppose, no more homophobic than anyone else at the time, but h indulged in his fare share of faggot jokes, who's queer, and all that sort of thing.  At the time of my twenty-fifth reunion, which would have been in 1983, they asked us all to submit a statement for the twenty-fifth anniversary booklet about what you have done over the last twenty-five years in seventy-five words or less.  I decided that even in seventy-five words or less my coming out story certainly had to be one of the things that was most important to me in the twenty-five years since I had left Oberlin.  I got a letter from this man that I had roomed with Senior year, and it was really a very nice and very touching letter in which he apologized twenty-five years later for the things he had said and the jokes that he told when we had lived together at Oberlin.... That's the first time I had heard from him in twenty-five years and since then we have kept up a sort of correspondence...."

Had a really good conversation with my mom.  Yes, this is cheesy and we've never really be a girlmore girls-esque mother-daughter set, but when we do get along, it is pretty damn amazing.  She told me cool stories about inspirational people and suggested and awesome idea to take what I am already doing and allow me to get paid and call it a winter term project.  I am excited for LA.  Parents may follow me back here and meet people and help me move in.  Stay tuned.

I've read up on all the independent major guidelines.  I'm seriously gonna do it guys.
Dear IM Committee,
I love you.  Can I have your consent?

City Councilman David Ashenhurst is pretty cool. 
No, I am not on his staff, but he did me a favor.  No, not that kind of favor.  He tried to reason with an unreasonable bus driver for me (see older posts for more detailed story).  Anyway, I got a chance to thank him when I passed by on the way to the bank.  He seems like a really interesting guy.  He offered to buy me a beer...corrected himself, and offered to buy me a coffee sometime and chat about city council stuff or whatever else.  You know what?  I wasn't the least bit sketched out. 
In fact, contrary to Eddie Izzard, in this case, "Do you wanna cup of coffee?" really, truly does not mean sex.  Also, the first time someone other than my super attractive brilliant high school tutor named Liz (probably the reason I started drinking coffee) asked me to go for coffee sometime without sketching me the fuck out.

eddie izzard reference #116, readin', independent major, gay, cool people, el salvador, mom

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