Title: This Game is Shockingly Not Aster, Not Aster At All.
Author: Moi, Curlyqqueen.
Rating: PG-13 to Mature for violence and swearing.
Pairings/Characters: All of Young Justice, some of Justice League. Joker. Robin-centric. Robin/Kid Flash friendship (pre-slash if you really, really want to see it).
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Swearing, Dark
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This is... *exhales* I waaaant.
This is so awesome so far. Pleeease update again soon! Oh god this is awesome. Robin-centric even... plus Joker? *Fangasm*
I love Robin and like, to me, what's a Robin fic without THE JOKER? ;D
He makes the most horrible stuff funneh~
Glad you like it so far :3
Bonus points if something involve Rob's laugh. That kid.
I was near tears watching it and then he cracks a joke and I laugh! I feel horrible but damn he's funny XD
Dude, Robin's laugh. SO because of the Joker! I hope that's in YJ D:
I can't wait. *drools*
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