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May 24, 2005 22:32

hm I know this is like my third time to update tonight, but i am bored amd have this idea. I'm going to start like posting a bible verse on my lj everyday and just saying what I think about it and yall can comment and just tell what it means to you. so the first one is.......
10 Whoever loves money never has money enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.
This too is meaningless.
Ecclesiastes 5:10
From that I think that just when you love something not just money and put it before God the largest amount will never satisfy you. It is like coke. Coke just makes you thirstier, while water satsifies your thirst like God. For me it's hard to just fully give myself up to God. When I don't give myself fully to God then it's easier just to find things I think will satisfy me. Gossiping is one. Lately I haven't been satisfied with my life, and I believe it's because I have just been putting whatever has been going on before God. God is the only thing or person that can ever fully satisfy you, but it only happens if you've become his full time servant. Being part time is not good enough for Him. Tonight I pray that every person in this world will thirst for God's righteousness and holiness.
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