Jan 01, 2009 00:02
Another day, another year. Here I am, alone in a darkened room. Head throbbing from the people on the streets screaming "Happy New Year!" and from the loud booms of the fireworks.
Stop it already man.
Its just another day, another year
Another boy to call me dear.
I still havent gotten anything from the end-of-year sales this time round. Like wtf right. Nothing looks nice anymore. From the shopping outing with Ain on Sunday, to the one with my mom on Monday, to the one just now with Nad. Gahhh.. In the end, I end up spending my money treating people, which is great of course.
/begin whining
I went for NYP's production entitled "Layar Andayu" or something similar last night with Farhan. It was free so what the heck right. Turns out it was a malay drama/musical/dance/whateverelseucanthinkof thingy. It sucked big time. I overheard a guy at the back saying "That was such a pain to watch. Last year's was better" and I absolutely agree, (about it sucking cos I havent watched their earlier productions)
I didnt understand the 3 girls berpantun-ing in the beginning mainly cos of the music being too loud, hence drowning out the words and its also due to my poor command of the language. Not that they use the 'cheem cheem' ones. I was a bit slow to process them je. The dance piece after that was great. I loved that part.
Then the story started. The introduction was cute and then they started the whole singing/dancing thing which was sungguh unrelated. Everything spiralled downhill thereafter. Nothing linked anymore. Even with my knowledge of theatre, I was having trouble understanding what they were trying to say. I totally got the part where they were trying to show that time passed and they grew up. But why did you have to show the process twice? Can you go back to being a kid to being an adult again? Once was enough. Totally confusing the audience.
The Bollywood scene, the whatever else la. They were just probably looking for any excuse to add in song and dance hence, lengthening the storyline which would otherwise have taken 20 minutes to showcase. There is no point in showing the director's 'ideas'. It confuses people. If the songs helped show their emotions, like when Alia was heartbroken, its totally fine. But when you're in a canteen and someone says -something i cant recall but its something randomand is NOT the theme of the play-, you do not burst out into a song on that random topic/matter. Waste of time and confusing for the audience.
And the audience is forever shouting out their own comments either about the character/actor. Its annoying and disrupts the show. The actor might forget their lines from hearing one of your seemingly-funny-but-actually-tak-funny-at-all remarks. You might want to try being more cultured and civil. Gahh. I was so irritated the whole time I was there. I wanted to leave halfway but the rest wanted to watch the rest of it.
/end whining
Overall it was a mediocre production. Nothing I would pay for. Nonetheless I had great company.
NTUC got back to me but they cant offer me the position that I applied for and they are looking for a relief receptionist cos one of the staff left for her 5-month maternity leave. I still don't know if I should continue with it. Sigh!