May 13, 2008 20:23
it feels so great to be done with the semester. i've been up all night watching big brother, survivor micronesia, antm cycle 10 and movies online. it feels great to bum around without a care in the world.
i do miss the structure. i miss having to wake up early to go for lecture but when i reach school i dont enter and lepak outside the class. i miss sleeping in lecture. i miss chatting while the lecturer talks about the universe and how it works. i miss school. friends especially.
it sucks that i feel attached to social work majors only after 2.5 years in school. aku bodoh. but i tried to make the most of the remaining time tt i had with them.
i just came back from swimming with the 2 young siblings. will prolly go for a class tmrw and write up my resume. i need money! i wanna go somewhere for my grad trip.
just to remind myself:
14th may: out with nadianah
15th may: out with atikk
16th may: out with ama and diyanah
30th may: out with the pri sch mates
6th june: out with huda, shaiful and diyanah[again]
15th-20th june: REDANGGGGGG
22nd june: my birthday
22-24th july: ain's chalet [wheeeee]
ain sila make dates with me. cousins too. i wanna fill up my socialk calendar and feel POPULAR. heh. pathetic seh.