Jan 16, 2006 18:03
Ok so I went to get my lisence on tuesday and was complete ready. I waited in line for an hour or longer. Then when the instuctor was checking the lights it was unfortunately discovered that my right break light wasn't working. FUCK NO! So, I had to reschedule my appointment for the 24th... 12 days from now. I know this don't sound like something that important but to me, it is. It is my independence! I was about to cry, I couldn't believe it. It already bugs me that shaun got it before me ( I love you shuan). In my stange mind it seems wrong that I am older than shaun yet still don't have my fucking lisence! omg, i want to scream. I could be driving away from my parents right now. Driving away to get real help for my problems, the problems that to my parents are nonexistent. bullshit!! deal with it.. Im depressed. ahhhh. FUCK!!!!! FUCK!!!!! I hate life. I am always angry. I just want to crawl into bed and cry. Am I too old for a tantrum? becuase i need to have one right now. ahhhhhh! ok, I am going to leave before my heart spills all into my writing. bye.