Up shit creek & How I Miss America

Jul 06, 2007 19:28

1) Somewhat up shit creek.  Funding for next year = um, well, it may not happen.  Or happen partially.  Or something.  I think I may have to cancel my trip to South Dakota and instead of communing with the prairie land work two jobs in Glasgow, just in case.  Joy = knowing no bounds.  Losing 500 quid on flights?  Oh, that's a delight.

2) I miss America.  I do.  I miss it so much.  I miss fireflies drifting out of the bushes and firing once before disappearing back into the black as I walk home.  I miss driving down those wide flat highways, with Sean's arm stretched out on the arm rest and bluegrass on the stereo, windows down.  I miss bottles of beer outside on those days where you feel the sweat prickling on your skin as you climb out the shower.  I miss the fricking FLAG for fuck's sake.

And I want to go to the prairies.  Sulksulksulksulksulksulksulksulk.

Not really.  I know I'm freaking lucky, and as they say, no pain, no phd....
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