Hi! I've been in this community for a while and I thought I'd share some pictures! I'm mainly doing this for advice of some sort. They may not be the best to use for advice but oh well. Perhaps let me explain. When I was in high school I spent about three years growing my hair as long as i could manage it...i kept it long for a year after hs, then i decided to cut it. I decided to cut ALL of it. A bad idea, but in my mind an experiment. I always wanted to pull off a pixie cut, and I feel that I sort of managed it, but I started to quickly miss my hard earned locks. The growth process was going to be hell. Point being...my hair is starting to grow longer now and because of the boyish cut I had last march, it's growing in really awkwardly. It looks like boys hair, but long. Think Adam Sandler from wedding singer, that's what my hair looks like long. Some may think that's a in style now, but it looks very bad on me. So I've been wearing it up a lot, well everyday. I'm getting sick of it though, I forgot what I looked like with hair in my face. hah. I don't know if it's in my best interest to keep growing it out, or get it styled somehow. Is it too short to even get it styled? Here are pictures to give you a better idea.
I suppose this is somewhat of a timeline. Give you idea of what my hair is like.
right before i graduated hellschool. i look so strange here. the only time you'll see me without my glasses.
After hs. Longest I've had it since i was 5! wow
My first step to getting all my hair chopped off. I actually liked this cut a lot. I'd love to pull that style off again! I wonder if I am capable now...hm
Last year. Damn, my hair is all gone now.
somewhat overdramatic pose, but there's the length.
my hair now. basically. excuse the crap in the background
I'm thinking about making an appointment to get it styled. I know that they'll have to cut a ton from the back, because the back is way longer then the front. ::ugh:: But anyways, perhaps this was a bit pointless. Well there is my curly hair.