(pics of my hair)
So, when I was younger I had kinda wavy hair, never took care of them properly (brushed them, or rather, my mother forced me to constantly brush my hair because she always said they look "messy"; used only shampoo and that's it) as you can see in pics 1, 2, 3. Then, I started to bleach my hair and dye them a lot, and my curls started to get more and more straight, and in the pic number 4 is what my hair (more or less, usually they are more tightly curled than that but they were so nicely clumped there so I had to take a pic, lol) looks like when it is wet (and scrunched out with a t-shirt, no products on it), but it becomes basically straight after drying (whether I put on gel or not) as you can see in the last pic, and that is my biggest question - WHY?
I am asking this mostly, because I just cannot understand why it's happening, but also because I don't know if it's worth to start trying to transition and see if I can do something about my hair. Of course, nobody can actually tell what would happen if I started a cg method, but I just don't know if I should? I just wonder if my hair isn't just going straight as the years go by? I know that can happen. Or is my hair just way too damaged and that could be why it looks so bad? Do you think my hair can be saved and if it actually can be curly, or it's just straight at this point and there's nothing I can do?
If I scrunch out my hair with a t-shirt they are curly (but go straight after drying), but if I brush my hair (wet, after having washed it) it usually stays straight, maybe curls a bit at the bottom and in the middle and it got me so confused. I watch a lot of videos from curly girls, and their hair starts to curl back up after brushing them, so I don't know if I'm just trying to save something that's lost, and my hair's ni longer wavy, haha.
Another big problem with my hair is that it's so very stringy and frizzy. It doesn't look that bad in those pics, but it IS really bad. I just don't know what to do. I know it's quite a long post, but any help, please?