Best way to do bangs w/ curls?

Apr 12, 2007 12:00

So I just got bangs yesterday. 
the stylist straightened my hair [Which I didn't think she would, but she decided to anyways XD]

So currently it lookslike this:

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pictures, bangs, curly/straight

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Comments 6

westcoastred April 12 2007, 16:19:47 UTC
My sister has curly hair, and when she wears it curly, she just straightens her bangs. It looks really good. I've noticed that one is always compromising with their hair, so maybe just straightening a little bit of your hair is a nice happy-medium. I think bangs was a good move for you, it frames your face very well.


nacho_cheese April 12 2007, 17:21:07 UTC
I agree with this. The great thing about your hair (the OP) is that you have the type that'll look great either way! So if you're in a curly mood one day, go curly; if you want to take an extra 5 minutes, go with straight.

I'm jealous, lol. I have really curly hair, and cut bangs once... bad, bad, BAD idea. They sprang up like crazy. ;) Your hair is lovely!


westcoastred April 12 2007, 17:25:48 UTC
Ha! Me too. If I blow-dry it straight, it rebels and goes curly again in about an hour! Oi.


bostondave April 12 2007, 16:20:36 UTC
You have such lovely eyes... I think curly hair would go better with them...



to_norway April 12 2007, 17:10:02 UTC
I have sideswept bangs, and what I do is comb them out [just the bangs] and use like three bobby pins to pin them to my head [in the direction they would normally fall]. they usually dry pretty straight, sometimes I'll straighten them a little. so maybe just straighten your bangs or pin them off?
you should definitely not straighten all of your hair though, because it looks really cute curly! :]


blue_hours_too April 13 2007, 13:37:51 UTC
I'd definitely try it curly.


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