May 31, 2006 18:15
So, I am finally home after what seems like the longest, most stressful year of my life. Had to stay to close up the dorms, was so tired that I slept in and didn't go to graduation, but saw Nate wander by as I was packing, looking for his girlfriend. My mom got all my things from my room last Saturday, minus my backpack and a small daypack. It's an odd thing a)being in a huge fucking dorm pretty much alone, minus the hall director and his wife and b)sleeping on my bed in a sleeping bag with nothing in my room except for the backpacking gear.
Then came the final torment- a 5th class. Granted it was a week of backpacking for OE, but still, I just wanted to stop worrying about learning for the moment and get the fuck home. Was an awesome trip though- hiked 38 miles in 8 days, summitted 8 mountains or so in the Pemigewassett region of the Whites. Forgot my warm hat, had to use my pack as part of my sleeping pad, but had a great time getting to know some pretty awesome OE kids. We even got to wake up at 4 am for our 8 mile hike of hell, carrying the 60+/-lb pack, maybe more, since I carried gear for some of the others with back issues, etc. Other mornings we were up at 5, or 8. Waking up at 6 was great and 8 was just awesome. The entire time I was battling a cold that just came on right before the trip started, so that was fun(ha). We encountered snow on the mountaintops, and I got a nice tan after a day of mild burning (fell asleep in the sports bra after the exhausting 8 mile hike).
So now I get to do a final project thingy of planning a trip. Woohoo!!
Will start working this Saturday in the deli then cater a School anniversary party or something. I look forward to another summer of serving at weddings, parties and the like and enjopying myself as I haul in the cash. Hope to have some crazyn when I get the chance, so let me know if anyone is interested. At some point I will go down to visit my sister in Virginia and hang out with her on the beach. Catch up on reading some amazing books, meet new people and see old friends. My old gym teacher invited me back to the weight room to work out whenever I want and expects me to teach her some tricks, since i'm certified and all. So that makes me happy-that and the fact that I can go rollerblading again (when I find my rollerblades, which are somewhere in the hole that has become our house).
Came home today to find that now only one of the 4 toilets in our house works. Damn, I mean, I feel like I'm still camping!! Like everyone else, my parents want me to become their personal trainer- which is funny, because I've always been trying to get them out to do stuff. Don't think I will be wanting for a workout though, seeing as my dad has so many plans of things to get done. Clean the house, fix cars, jack up our barn, lift tons of crap and whatnot. O yeah, and I will be working at the field auctions as a gopher once more, where the treasures are covered in dust. It's kind of fun to come home and be able to walk through the house and find something new and interesting at each step (althought usually it's something I trip over form lack of walking room). Anyway, that aspect is fun, but the worst feeling is of constatn cleaning that gets me nowhere. Do get a lot of great stuff, but at a cost.
Anyway, time to start working on the final project and return home. Had to get out of the house even though I couldn't find my purse, which I sent home with my mom. It's amazing how fast things disappear and the less I can find everytime I come home. It's no wonder I feel lost all the time amid the chaos that is our house.
PEace out and hope to see everyone soon- never really got to do much of that througout the course of the year. Time to mend the social life and learn how to have fun again.
Very happy to find I got at least B's this semester- some of the hardest classes I've had with really not much of an outlet for stress. If I seem too stressed out next year, someone slap me,because I've had enough of that.